Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gardening in the NE US?

I am thinking way ahead for my gardens next year. I would like some reccomendations from people living and gardening in the North East (southern New England) on some hardy plants. I would like to know some good species for a butterfly/hummingbird garden. I already have a few plants that attract them: butterfly bush, zinnias, salvia, daises, coral bells, lavender, begonias and a bleeding heart. These are the plants that I have seen the butterflies and hummingbirds on. I would like to expand the garden and attract more and different species throughout the spring, summer and early fall. I would also like reccommendations for evergreens, preferably with berries or leaves that change colors (to red in fall, for example) and some reccommendations for good cutting plants. I know that's alot, thank you in advance!
Gardening in the NE US?
Try some evening primrose. Hummingbirds come to the yellow flowers and the rosette turns red in the fall.

They spread but are very easy to remove.

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