Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to maintain indoor plants and tips to maintain zinnias and jerberaas?

Different plants require different treatment, of course, but as a general rule of thumb, keeping most plants moist, and with a good deal of light and providing moderate but regular fertilizer will keep them happy. Zinnias are very tough and hardy plants; be sure to remove spent/dead flowers after they've bloomed, so the plant will continue to send out buds. Gerberas (I hope that's what you had in mind?) generally do well in conditions very similar to Zinnias - be aware that both plants have some problems with fungus from time to time, so a good systemic fungicide can be very helpful.
How to maintain indoor plants and tips to maintain zinnias and jerberaas?
One thing I know is that you shoud not over water them.

Giving too much water is as harmful as giving little water.
Reply:Provide proper amount of sunlight to your indoor plants. Most houseplants will not grow well in direct sunlight. Those that do should not be placed too close to a window as the glass will magnify the light and possibly burn the leaves. Keep your plants moist but not soggy. Know your plants and refer to the small care tags that came with the plants. The care tag usually have light and water requirements, temperatures that the plant can tolerate and when to fertilize.

Zinnias and Gerbera daisies are outdoor plants. They require direct sunlight or some shade. During the summer months, water regularly and clip the spent flowers and leaves to encourage more blooms to come out.

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