Sunday, January 22, 2012

Many plant/flower questions! please help!?

how long after planting morning glory seeds will it take for it to bloom?

do nasturtiums grow like morning glory's?

how long after planting giant imperials will it take to bloom?

will my lupines and foxgloxes bloom this summer if i just planted them a week ago?

how long until coleus bloom after planting seeds?

how long until purple coneflower blooms after planting seeds?

how long until zinnia's bloom after planting seeds?

i live in north carolina - coast -and have no idea what zone i'm in.

i'm new to planting.

just started planting all of these seeds last week.

any info regarding my questions is greatly appreciated.

Many plant/flower questions! please help!?
morning glories will take a little over a month to bloom. start now so in early july they will be anice size for outside. also you may want to consider a moon vine which is a reletive to morning glories only very fragrant and will come back up in southern noth carolina. the pink moon vine is also a cold hardy relatinve of morning glories.

here is a photo of nasturtiums

it doesnt gorw like a mornig glory because it is not a vine, but a ground cover. this is an annual in yor state.

yes your foxgloves will flower in time for summer. in colder climates they dont come up till june and flower by july so yours may be in flower by late may.

purple coneflowers as well as zinnias take about a month or so to bloom so it may not be until early or mid june before they are mature enough to go outside

your zone is a zone 8a if in southern north carolina and a zone 7b in northern or mid north carolina.

zone 8a has many plants such as medditeranean fan palms, cannas, moon vines, pink moon vines, pindo palms, clematis, hydraneas, dusty millers and lots lots more.

zone 7b is also a good planting zone. you can grow cannas, pink moon vines, hydraneas, windmill palms, mazari palms, needle palms, vincas, clematis, roses, cherrys and also lots more.

good luck
Reply:All plants started from seed take a month or so before they have blooms. You will have green plants, but the blooms will take a longer time. But it is worth it. Be sure to keep your new planted seeds moist. Touch the ground each morning to make sure it has not dried out. As the plants get taller with about two or three sets of leaves, you do not have to keep the soil moist each day, but don't let them dry out.

Next year, plant nursery shop "bedding" plants. These will be about 4", 6", 8", or taller and will bloom sooner for you.

You are gonna love gardening, don't try to do it all in one year. Get to know where the sun shines the most, and where the shaded areas are. Because you will need flowers for the sun areas, and flowers for the shaded areas.

Since you are a beginner, this year start your garden with plants that you get from a garden center or nursery. They are called bedding plants and come in a six pack. Look for a little tag sticking in the six pact showing directions on how to grow the plants. If the tag is not there, ask for one or buy something else. Directions are VERY important.

Seeds are not always easy to grow. And wildflowers are the hardest so don't be disappointed if they don't show up.

Two good things to do for yourself is to call your local County Extension Service and ask for all the information that they have about gardening in your area. They usually have a packet/kit of things for the home gardener.

And number two would be to pick up a couple of beginner books. You really do need to know about soil, compost, mulch and etc.

To keep from over watering or not watering enough, buy a water analyzer from a nursery or garden center. Be sure to read the directions. This will be one of your best tools.

Send for some free gardening catalogs and get use to the different types of plants, colors, and when to plant. They are filled with good informtion and pictures. And they will keep you company during the long winter months. Here is a list of just a very few. There are hundreds more: (Roses)

Other catalogs: (all types of animal control)


Container/pots/window boxes needs:

All need holes in the bottem for water drainage,

Potting soil that comes in bags,

Slow release fertilizer for flowers (not for green plants), OR liquid fertilizer that will need to be used more often-read directions,

Water crystals to be mixed into the soil for holding water,

Bedding plants or full grown plants.

Here is an excellent link to check out for color combinations and plants that look good together:

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