Sunday, January 15, 2012

What kind of potting soil is best to plant zinnias?

any potting soil mix will do just need to be well drained and fertilize with fertilizer that high in Poshphorus (high in middle number) to stimulate root growth so they can make more flowers.
What kind of potting soil is best to plant zinnias?
I absolutely love zinnias! I just planted some giant zinnia seeds last week! You don't need to buy expensive potting soil, they will grow just about everywhere in any kind of dirt. Our soil is as bad as it comes here in Ohio, clay and rocky. I put my seeds in a pan of dirt, (right out of the yard). In a couple weeks I will sow them in my flower bed and they will be fine. You can just sow them straight from the pack, but I am never sure if it is a flower or a weed coming up, and I end up pulling up a lot of flowers. This way I know what is in each pot, I use a stick and put the packet on it, and I can put them where I want them. If you are using plants, just make a hole, fill it half full of water mixed with a little Miracle Grow, and stick your plant in and cover it up. Don't overwater and remember, zinnias love hot weather! Good Luck!
Reply:I find that MiracleGro potting soil is the best to use for starting any type of plantwhether it's a flower or vegetable. It has a slow release fertilizer in it so you don't have to fertilize for about 3 months. I just bought some last night :) !

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