Sunday, January 15, 2012

What is a frequency chart?

How would i make one for my science experiment dealing with the height of Zinnia flowers if one uses liquid fertilizer and the other doesn't?
What is a frequency chart?
A frequency chart is literally counting how many of something.

You can do this in groups eg for your height one, you would have a series of height ranges eg





etc whatever ranges you want. All you do is number off (doing it in the 4 vertical lines crossed by the 5th horizontal one) in each group.

This way you can draw a (histogram)graph using the results and see which plants occured most frequently at each height and its easier to see patterns.

You would have to compare the 2 different groups as well, again using graphs to show your frequency chart result (ie its easier to see patterns and its easier to talk about in your results eg. the plants in Zinnia produced overall taller plants and had less in the 0-20mm, while those without fert had more shorter plants, 26 at 20mm or less compared to only 9 with fertiliser ....thats just made up but you get my drift.

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