Sunday, January 15, 2012

My zinnias have been blooming beautifully now they look like swiss cheese. What's eating them? What can I do?

Grasshoppers or leafhoppers both pest really ravish at the end of the season. Soapy water will not help at this point you will need to use a pestacide. "sevin" works very well on chewing pests. You can get it at any garden center. Follow the directions for mixing and be sure to do it early in the morning. Zinnias are quite subject to powdery mildew, specially towards the end of the season when the night temps start to drop. Keeping them dry by night fall is important. Once under control a mild soapy water spray will help keep them away. Just a few drops of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle of water.

also some tips in zinnias keep spent blossoms cut off to encourage blooming to continue. They need fed weekly with a bloom-booster towards the end of summer. Miracle grow makes a bloom booster but there are many brands available. When reading the plant food you want the number in the middle to be the highest.(example-10-25-10)

Dont you just love zinnias!!!

God Bless

My zinnias have been blooming beautifully now they look like swiss cheese. What's eating them? What can I do?
Could be tiny grasshoppers that only come out at night. Either use Sevin bug dust or mix up a solution of one part dish soap to two parts water and spray your flowers with this. Either solution will get rid of the bugs.
Reply:Probably snails. They start comping back out around this time, and love juicy delicate leaves. Toss down some snail poison and there may be some improvements.
Reply:june bugs
Reply:Mine are doing the same thing. I found that they are full of grasshoppers. You can use a bug spray from walmart on them or just mix water and dish washing soap. I decided to let the grasshoppers have mine since I am tired of fighting the lack of rain, bugs and hot weather. I am ready for fall!
Reply:You might try this get one of those spray attachments for your hose and fill it with a cheap liquid dish soap and spay the plant.... works just fine in riddding plants and trees of bugs

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